What happens in a lesson ?

A 90 min. introductory session will give you an understanding of your situation now and an experience of alignment.

In weekly lessons of 50 mins to 1 hour we will look at and work with the range of postures and movements that you use in your life.

You will learn how habitual we are, what your habits are and how to begin to function and move with your natural centre, the axis of the body. Also, a new understanding that being aligned is all about our relationship with the force of gravity, and how it affects us at every moment.

It is a fulfilling and enjoyable process to transform stale and uncomfortable habits into a new sense of the body and movement.

To feel more relaxed and more alive.

There is also deeply relaxing lying-down work to release years of built up tensions; and to guide the body towards a natural state of expansion.

It is impossible to function well as a whole while the body is stuck in habits of tension or collapse.

The experience of learning involves both the mind and body. The body learns by experiencing and practising a new state of alignment, while the mind supports the process with an understanding of what alignment involves and a precise new vision of what holds me back.

How Long is the Learning Process?

Body learning is different for each person.
A rough guide is that 5 to 10 weekly sessions can make a significant difference.
When alignment is becoming more accessible, the lessons can be fortnightly to support a greater independence. Time and money are also factors. Someone who already works with the body in some way can take away important new knowledge from the first session.